If the movies were the NBA, 007 would be Reggie Miller, Kevin Garnett, and Larry Bird all rolled into one.
Author: Ryan McNeil
Anyone else get really hungry all of a sudden?
They say it’s better the second time; They say you get to do the weird stuff.
Let’s talk about you and me. Let’s talk about all the good things – and the bad things – that may be.
A remarkably grounded entry in Phase Two examines the world we live in, and its balance between freedom and fear.
Permit me a moment to compose an ode to “The Double Feature”
I dust off my camera, Kurt goes to MSP, and Biggs wonders “what now?
A passing thought, that might well be classified as audience anarchy.
Sometimes a certain combination of names are enough to get one into the cinema.
I take my talents to Parkdale (again) to discuss THE HUNT.
Talkin’ NOAH with guest Stevee Taylor from Cinematic Paradox. She and Ryan also read some listener feedback on God and turn the record over to play the other side.
Who knew there’d be so much to say about three chapters worth of scripture?