reviews ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE Living for entire centuries isn’t just flirting with despair and isolation. It’s a goddamned invitation.
trailers If I Were a Boy: BOYHOOD Trailer A look ahead to one of the most audacious art films in recent memory.
reviews THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Sometimes the human part of a superhuman story is just far more interesting.
festivals, hot docs, reactions THE SHEIK plays Hot Docs 2014 He will humble you…now that he’s done being humbled himself.
festivals, hot docs, reactions ART AND CRAFT plays Hot Docs 2014 Who’s the real master: The painter of the forger?
festivals, hot docs, reactions HAPPY VALLEY plays Hot Docs 2014 When a legacy is tarnished, there are a lot of hands that get dirty.
festivals, hot docs, reactions IN COUNTRY plays Hot Docs 2014 War is Hell. If you’d like to play in Hell, that can be arranged.
festivals, hot docs, reactions FED UP plays Hot Docs 2014 Think you know what’s in your food and how it got there? Think again.
festivals, hot docs, reactions I AM BIG BIRD plays Hot Docs 2014 Today’s film has been brought to you by the letters L, O, V, and E.
festivals, hot docs, reactions RICH HILL plays Hot Docs 2014 A mundane town like any other is the subject of a stunning film like few others.
festivals, hot docs, reactions SLEEPLESS IN NEW YORK plays Hot Docs 2014 A beautiful documentary about a feeling everybody has felt, and likely will feel again before it’s all said and done.